These are the two remaining cats I have now, Kissy and Pyewacket. I really wish I could have kept a few more, especially
Whoopi, Sherkhan and Bobbity--I miss the way Whoopi used to nibble on my ears, I miss how Sherkhan used to give me delightful
back massages, and Bobbity...I used to wake up every day with her virtually on top of my head.
Well....these two "brats" are now highly pampered---I've indulged them by giving them Sheba and Fancy Feast, and
now have gotten so picky, they rarely eat anything else. I plan to spoil them more, and I intend to get kitty condos,
I can't help wondering however, if Kissy and Pyewacket wonder what on earth, happened to their other pals, after all,
animals bond with one another, just like people do, and sometimes their bonds are even stronger than humans. I used
to have two cats, named Tommy and Mickey--we got them the same year, and they bonded and were tight like brothers--years later,
Tommy was the first to die--only a few months later, Mickey died, and I think he literally pined away for his pal.
I hope to add more photos of my pampered two--but for now, here are photos of Kissy and Pyewacket:

Kissy was born on October 20, 1999--I named her right, as she is a love bug, and yes, "kissy"---she
follows me like a puppy-dog, and sit by my side whenever I'm in the middle of my home project work.
She does have one slightly annoying habit--she bites!--No doubt this is her way of showing
affection and perhaps she thinks she's kissing me. In a sense, she is a lot like Bobbity, who used to have the
habit of biting my cheek.

Pyewacket is the regal king here, born June 17, 2001--he is a complete aristocrat, and
sure as hell acts like it.
He's affectionate and cuddly, yet he's the type that puts up with petting for just so
long, then hisses at me, in which I promptly hiss back at him, in which he looks at me as if deranged.
I sometime wonder what cats, or for that fact, animals in general think we are??
Do they view us as some strange-sized, looking cat??