I might talk about how old I am, what I look like, and what I do for a living. (I'll try to be truthful!)
My real name in the world goes by Melanie, but to most people, my "handle" is as Pyewacket, or sometimes Pyewacketwizard.
As for how old I am--hey, don't you know it's not nice to ask a lady her age?? Let's just say I'm in my
"crone" years--a Woodstock generation person--okay,oaky--I'll fess up--I'm 49--but in reality am a demented 9 year old~~~I'm
a Renaissance person, who is into everything~~and of course the definition of a Renaissance person is one who hasn't decided
what they want to be when they grow up. My sadness is that there aren't at least 60 hours in a day to do everything
I want to do--I'm a photographer, writer, artist, and craftsperson.
I've tried to include a bit of everything here at my site, so you can get an idea of how diversified I am--feel
free to click on to my other pages, partcularly my links page---Hope you enjoy my site!! ;-)
I was born in Garden Grove, California, November 19, 1955 ~~I'm a Scorpio with LIbra ascendant, moon in Capricorn,
and Venus in Sagittarius, the rest of my chart is in Leo----My religious following is that of a "Born Again Pagan" who has
freely choosen the Wicca path in life, although I've also have studied Buddhism, Hinduism, etc---I have a passion for the
sciences, am a history buff--particularly Ancient Egyptian, Greek, Medieval, Renaissance, and Viking histories.
Taking a break from work
I do actually have a cat named Pyewacket, and yes
I do spells--anyone for prosperity or success spells???
What a job!
I'm primarily a photographer, and my work has been previously published. While my subject matter is varied, I'm
primarily a scenic/nature photographer--Love being amongst the trees, flowers and birdies--in my complete bliss then