I really had no choice in the matter as we were being threatened with eviction and time wasn't exactly on our side--we
had to bring the population of the cats down quick.
This is quite a different picture of her
then the one I have. She was taken in
by Animal Care and Control on April 18, 2006
--she was up for adoption for awhile, but then
developed kennel cough and was euthanized.

was born September
9, 1997 and had a twin
sister named DIPSY who
fared better in that she
was taken in a pet

Was a funny duck--had
the cry of the banshee
that could get on your nerves
Ironic wouldn't mind hearing
that cry again--Olie was born
December 8, 1999
This guy was born on August
11, 1996, and was taken in by AC&C
and euthanized due to his chronic
respiratory problems he had had
since birth--never bothered him
though--used to like to bite my

Below is FLIT, who was born on April
9, 1995. He had cauliflower ears due
to past infections, but otherwise he was
all right. He used to love to watch TV
and was a real fan of that children's
show "WISHBONE"--used to love to catch
the doggie!

One of the really lousy problems with the whole Animal Care and Control business, was that
I could never be sure who was actually put down, or who was saved. You see, a pet rescuer was keeping track of my cats
as they were going in--and was able to "save" a lot of the cats. I was keeping track as well, but the info
that AC&C placed on their website was quite often all wrong. Even the various AC&C agents who picked
up the cats said, they never know who is who unless of course the animal, be it dog or cat has real distinctive features.
He said by the time the agents get back to the shelter, they often mix up the names of the cats and dogs, and since tiger-striped
cats are very common this was probably often the case with my cats. While the pet rescuer may have been successful in
getting at least some of my cats out, I suspect that many that she rescued out that she thought were mine, regretfully
weren't really mine.---These are the photos of the cats that supposedly were mine that were placed up for adoption and listed
on their website--
Boomer was born December 5, 1997
Listed as HUNTER at AC&C/ ID #A653922
This was a cat that AC&C listed as Hunter,
yet I never had a cat name that, and may
actually have been Boomer, who was a
seven year old male cat, He was brought
into the AC&C on April 20, 2006--He was
one of the lucky ones rescued out.

They had this cat listed as Wiggles
and as a male--when Wiggles was
a female, and euthanized, I do,
however have a picture of the real
Wiggles. This may actually be Shawn,
as it looks like her, and was listed as having
been in the shelter since April 20, 2006
yet if Shawn was actually taken April
18, 2006--was listed as being two years
old when actually she was seven.
I really don't know the true status of
Shawn--supposedly rescued.
Shawn was born February 7, 1998

Also hard to tell who this is--they don't seem to have any of my female cats listed, with
the exception of DEMI,. I had a "Shawn" who was adoptable, yet don't see her listed, unless they have actually gotten
the sexes wrong! And as I indicated the cat listed above may have been Shawn--in any event, this cat was cat is listed
YANI -- ID#A653919, neutered male, about 3 years old (also really eight
years old)--and had been taken into the April 20, 2006

This is my picture of Yanni, who was born on
March 21, 1998, and as you can guess was
named after the singer/composer

Porthos fate was the worst of all. He was a perfectly
healthy cat, who could have had a new chance in
life either rescued or adopted. The pet rescuer keeping track
of my cats, informed me of his fate. For the most part, when
AC&C came to take the cats, I was the one handling them,
rather than have some stranger, and placed them in the cages.
Porthos proved difficult to get, so the agent "helped" by
using the metal pole that wrapped around a pet's neck. The
rescuer later informed me, that upon examining Porthos, he
had to be euthanized right away as he had had severe head
injuries and a broken jaw. After this incident, I was in no way
going to have anymore cats taken by AC&C. He was a gentle
soul, born August 18, 1999, and yes, he had had brothers, who
were adopted, and named Aramis, Athos, and D'Artagnon.